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Parenting Seminars


Good parenting is a learned skill, and developing  a skill always requires education, practice and persistence. As a fellow parent,  I  am  committed to working with you as we develop and  refine the skills we need to be effective parents. The  seminar will  reinforce some foundational principles of parenting, and show how those principles apply to real life. Our time together will be relaxed, understandable, humorous, and intensely practical.

So let’s get back to the basics. Let’s come together and explore those timeless principles that make good parents even better. I don’t know about you, but I can always use a little reminder.


The Seminars

“Building Self Esteem”

Self  esteem is foundational to a child’s personality development and emotional health. In this seminar we will ...


“Building Respect and Responsibility”

Respect for authority is rare in young people today. Yet this respect can be skillfully woven into the character of our children, and yes, even toddlers. This seminar will  give you practical help in defining  standards of behavior for your children as well as positive and effective techniques for maintaining those standards ... and your sanity. You will ...


“Handling Emotions”

Understanding, expressing, and dealing with emotions is hard enough for adults, not to mention children. Each of us has learned an emotional philosophy from our own family which greatly effects the way we deal with our emotions today. In this seminar you will...

Be careful, you may find yourself applying this seminar to your own pattern of dealing with emotions.


Contact Dave for more information or to Set up a Seminar in your area.



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